Saturday, December 10, 2016

Leave Your Feedback =)

Game art depicting a Circle Tower

I started this blog on September 19th as an easy place to develop and share materials for my Dragon Age campaign.  It's grown to 22 published posts since then, all written by me but covering a few major categories.  We also managed to squeeze in our first tabletop session at the end of November and are looking forward to more.  I have a number of ideas for future posts just sitting in my drafts folder, waiting to be expanded on.  

What I find myself wondering is what you are looking forward to seeing here.  I'll share what I can whether or not anyone responds, especially as I go about arranging things for our game, because I like to offer what I can to the community.  But it's nice to know what others find to be of most use or interest.  I'm still very new to the system but I am getting a handle on it.  I'm also not afraid of exploring Dragon Age's darkest, ugliest corners.

So if you'd take a moment to share your constructive thoughts, reactions, and so forth, I would be much obliged to you.  Feel free to go beyond the poll and leave a comment, if you have more to add.  I will keep it all in mind as I proceed.  Thank you for reading!

1 comment:

  1. I haven't read all of your posts, but I found the commentary on your first play session quite interesting. I like seeing how different Game Masters build and run their adventures. It's also interesting seeing how you run your campaign with one PC.
